Questões metodológicas relacionadas com a análise de televisão


  • Arlindo Machado
  • Marta Lucía Vélez



Análise televisiva, Programa televisivo, Fluxo televisivo, Gravação eletrônica de programas televisivos


While films and novels are relatively discrete singleness, television programs are subjects much more diversified, when not more complex, and, on that account, more difficult to analyse. In the seventies, Raymond Williams put in question the “static” and “abstract” concept of program, considering that in all developed broadcasting systems the characteristic organization is one of sequence or flow. Add to that the former difficulty to say what television is. A soccer game simply broadcasted live is a television work or a distribution “service”? For some, everything we see in a little electronic screen is television, even if made outside the television studios. For other, more radical, everything in contemporary societies is made for television, included political decisions by governments, authoritative cerimonies, and terrorism. At last, in all television analysis there is always a difference between the metalanguage (verbal discourse) and the objectlanguage (television program), what means that a critical text cannot always say every truth about its subject


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How to Cite

Machado, A., & Vélez, M. L. (2007). Questões metodológicas relacionadas com a análise de televisão. E-Compós, 8.



Special Issue