About the Journal


www.e-compos.org.br | E-ISSN 1808-2599
Brasília/DF, Brazil
CEP: 70910-000

E-Compós is a scientific journal in electronic format of the National Association of Graduate Programmes in Communication – Compós. The journal's main mission is to disseminate original academic production from the communication studies field, made by researchers in Brazilian Graduate institutions and overseas, accepting submissions in Portuguese, Spanish or English. It aims:

1. To approach conceptual and methodological questions, as well as the applied or theoretical research developments in the communication field;

2. To disseminate academic production from the communication studies and related fields, made by researchers in Brazilian Graduate institutions all over the country and overseas.

3. To provide a space for theoretical debate on the communications and related fields.



Papers received for possible publication in E-Compós Journal will be assessed by the Editorial Commission. Those which do not fit the journal's editorial criteria will be rejected and the others sent to the analysis of two reviewers. If one review is negative, the paper will be sent to a third reviewer.

The following items are part of the journal's editorial criteria to be evaluated by the editorial team: complete author's affiliation information; abstract with all the information required; keywords; originality; publication of a paper by the same author in the E-Compós Journal no sooner than two years earlier; use of the journal's specific rules for all items. After this evaluation, the text is sent to two reviewers.

The aspects that guide the reviewers' analysis are: theoretical and empirical content, mastery of the scientific literature, topicality, contribution to the specific area of knowledge, originality of the approach, perfect execution and description of the methodology used, correct text structure and good writing quality. Should the paper be in compliance with these criteria, the evaluators should recommend the full acceptance of the text. Otherwise, the evaluator may reject it or suggest modifications for a new evaluation. The Editorial Commission will forward the suggestions for reformulation to the author. If reformulated, the paper should be submitted again through the journals' website for a new evaluation and may or may not be accepted. 

4. The Editorial Commission shall decide on the opportunity of the publication of the papers received.

5. Some papers present in the editions may be the result of invitations sent to specialists, due to their notorious competence and academic excellence in the field. Similarly, the editorial commission may analyze the relevance of the publication of results from scientific conferences. In both cases, papers will go through the evaluation and editing procedures, under the editors' responsibility.



Continuous Publication - seeking agility in the editorial process, the E-compós journal adopted the model of Continuous Publication.

Ahead of Print - The journal also has as practice the publication of articles approved by the reviewers in Ahead of Print model. Approved manuscripts will be published in Ahead of Print as soon as the latest version is approved after review.

The manuscripts will be published in the edition of the current year, following a Continuous Publication model, after the layout.


After the text is approved, it will be published in Ahead of Print. The publication will be susceptible to structural changes to standardization, until the final version, to be published in Continuous Publishing model. For proper filling in the Lattes Platform, we ask that the authors correctly inform the journal ISSN (1808-2599) and the DOI of your article by removing the information from the prefix 10.30962.



This journal offers immediate free access to its content, as the availability of scientific knowledge, free of charge, to the public provides greater global democratisation of knowledge.



This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create a file system distributed among the participating libraries, allowing them to create permanent files of the journal for preservation and restoration.



E-Compós is indexed in:




E-Compós is present in:

Capes Site | www.periodicos.capes.gov.br



Access the Code of Conduct and the Ethics Committee of the Journal in: https://tinyurl.com/t4b3wzd

Manuscripts made through research with human beings should include information on approval by the Ethics Committee in Research, according to Resolution No. 466/13 of the National Health Council, or Resolution No. 510/2016, which deals with the ethical specificities of research in the sciences Human and Social. The Committee's final opinion should be attached as a supplementary document. It is also necessary that the manuscript contains in the methodological description the process number. This number should be kept in the final version of the manuscript if it is approved for publication. If the research was carried out with humans without going through the Research Ethics Committee, the work will be disregarded for evaluation and publication.


Recognizing the importance of Open Science for the circulation of knowledge, we accept articles deposited in Preprint repositories and encourage the availability of open data on platforms aimed at this purpose. We recommend using MediArxiv and SociArxiv as Preprint repositories, as well as Open Science Framework and Figshare repositories for open data sharing when possible.

E-Compós is a signatory to the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA).

Index h (2014-2018 quadrennium): 9


Total articles received: 275

Rejection rate: 82,55% (n=227)

Average evaluation time: 94 days


Total articles received: 188

Rejection rate: 87,83% (n=166)

Average evaluation time: 143 days


Total articles received: 145

Rejection rate: 65.52% (n = 95)

Average evaluation time: 225 days


Total Items Received: 98

Rejection Rate: 54.08% (n = 53)

Average Rating Time: 246 days


Total Items Received: 83

Rejection Rate: 44.58% (n = 37)

Average Rating Time: 212 days



E-compós journal does not charge the authors any fee for evaluating, editing, and publishing their texts. Therefore, the journal does not charge submission or publication fees and does not have any type of embargo to access the content of the journal.



All papers submitted to E-compós journal will be evaluated for the identification of plagiarism using detection tools Similarity Check / CrossCheck, respecting the appropriate proportions, and should be checked by the Editorial Commission, if necessary. E-compós journal shall immediately reject documents when plagiarism or self-plagiarism is detected through the procedure described above.



Open Science


San Francisco Declaration (DORA)

Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

Declaração de Conflito de Interesses