“Murdochisation” of the Media: An Asian Perspective


  • Daya Kishan Thussu




Ásia, News Corporation, Adaptação, Mercantilização


The Asian mediascape has profoundly changed in the last decade, making major media markets such as in China and India prime targets for transnational media and communications corporations. This article examines key strategies adopted by multimedia conglomerates to strengthen their positions in what may emerge as the world’s largest media market, focusing on one particular company, Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation, to explore why it has been more successful than others in negotiating its way around the complex Asian media scene. Examining the expansion and consolidation of Star Plus and Star News, Murdoch’s Indian entertainment and information channels, the article argues that their success has been achieved as a result of making programmes in Indian languages, such as Hindi, and by localising content, as well as the astute political approach that News Corporation has adopted in India. In China, Murdoch’s jointly owned Phoenix channel has followed very similar approaches to the emerging television market. This “Murdochisation” of the media – defined as a trend towards market-led entertainment and infotainment – has had an important impact on other media. The article asks: is the growing marketisation of the mass media eroding the public sphere? Or are Murdoch’s media, which may be Westernowned or inspired, but are available in Mandarin and in Hindi, leading to a reinvigorated Asian media scene?


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How to Cite

Thussu, D. K. (2006). “Murdochisation” of the Media: An Asian Perspective. E-Compós, 7. https://doi.org/10.30962/ec.105



Special Issue