São Paulo e memórias do futuro
São Paulo and the memories of the future: between utopia and retrotopia.
São Paulo. Memory. UtopiaAbstract
This paper investigates the time-space axis codified in narrative experiences that generate representations of memory articulated to the media. This manuscript is focused on the study of the space-time codifications of the city and the production of its memories, mainly São Paulo’s, empirically observed through the fictional and documental filmography brought out by Luís Sérgio Person and Geraldo Sarno respectively, and the São Paulo Invisível platform. Based on some Human Sciences authors who articulate memory, time, space and archive this study aims to demonstrate that under the codes of utopia and retrotopia, the city produces memories of the future.
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Referências fílmicas
SÃO PAULO Sociedade Anônima. Direção: Luiz Sérgio Person. Fotografia: Ricardo Aronovich. 111min. Disponível em https://youtu.be/ns-LPKhz_AE. Acesso em 10.02.2018.
VIRAMUNDO. Direção: Geraldo Sarno. Fotografia: Thomas Farkas/Armando Barreto. 37min. Disponível em https://youtu.be/TDWg98a8lwc. Acesso em 10.02.2018.
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