Cidadania comunicativa e autonomia comunicativa
lutas pelo direito à comunicação nas rádios comunitárias
Direito à Comunicação, Rádios comunitárias, AutonomiaAbstract
The struggles of the communication rights are investigated in this article, based on bibliographical research that defines communicative citizenship and communicative autonomy, exemplifying these concepts through the presentation of the cases of community radio stations Nativa FM and Camponesa FM. Communicative citizenship is characterized by the search for the right to communication through the appropriation of the means and the struggle for legal and social recognition. Already communicative autonomy is expressed in movements that do not claim inclusion in the state political-juridical system, so do not seek the state permission for the operation of the means. The understanding of these concepts makes it possible to broaden the reflection on the various forms of struggle for the right to communication.
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