Meanings of disaster in Mariana
campos problemáticos e polifonia na cobertura do portal Estado de Minas
Disaster in Mariana., Problematic Fields., Journalistic sources.Abstract
This paper aims to the coverage by the online portal from Minas Gerais ( about the collapse of the tailings dam operated by mining company in Mariana/MG, starting with the analysis of 100 news reports in four phases of the event. Considering the responsibility of Journalism to provide the plurality of versions, we adopted the Polyphonic Theory of Enunciation to comprehend the perspectives taken by journalistic sources (DUCROT, 1987). When bringing these approaches about the event (QUÉRÉ, 2005), we reflect about the problematic fields evidenced by the disaster and tangled in the coverage. We concluded that the logic of the tragedy as an event transgresses the standard procedures of journalism.
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