"What doesn’t come isn’t news": the selection of sources in network radiojournalism
a seleção das fontes em redes de radiojornalismo
Radiojournalism, Selection, Sources, Dependency, DiversityAbstract
This article analyzes the perception of CBN professionals in Rio de Janeiro and in Ponta Grossa, in the interior of Paraná, on the selection of sources in the local radio stations of the All News network. The objective is to verify if the professional practices converge or diverge in relation to the choice of the voices incorporated to the programming. For this purpose, semi-structured interviews are conducted with journalists from both newsrooms focusing on the process of selecting agents that make up local news. Finally, specific proposals are proposed in the wireless gatekeeper and questions such as the reinforcement of the credibility hierarchy in the relationship of dependence with the increasing professionalization of the press and public relations industry.
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