Analysis of citing in Compós 2008 papers


  • Alex Fernando Teixeira Primo
  • Ida Regina Chitto Stumpf
  • Gilberto Balbela Consoni
  • Stefanie Carlan da Silveira



Análise de citações, Compós, Bibliometria, Comunicação


Citing is a procedure used in the production of scientific texts that has the primary function of correlating two texts. As a bibliometric studies tool, the Citation Analysis (CA) allows the correlation between the citer and who is cited, showing the sources that the former used to produce his work. Even though the method has limitations, the Citation Analysis may contribute to the understanding of science structure and development, as well as the behavior of scientists when using information sources. We present a citation analysis of the totality of papers approved in the working groups of the 17th Meeting of the National Association of Graduate Programs in Communication – Compós 2008. From the data collected, the following was analyzed: authors, titles, types of publication (books, chapters, journals, etc.), the most cited journals, collective papers, etc. Among other correlations, we present a parallel between citations to national and foreign authors.


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How to Cite

Primo, A. F. T., Stumpf, I. R. C., Consoni, G. B., & Silveira, S. C. da. (2009). Analysis of citing in Compós 2008 papers. E-Compós, 11(3).



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