A Chamada de programação de TV, um estudo pelo enfoque das Teorias de Gênero


  • Cristina Teixeira Vieira de Melo
  • Gustavo Henrique Oliveira de Almeida




Chamada de Programação, Televisão, Novela, Gêneros Textuais


This work investigates the nature of "commercial break calls". As the soap-opera is a TV product that presents diversity of calls and the Net Globe is a very important worldwide center of soapopera productions, our corpus has its base on the calls of three soapoperas of this TV Channel. We classify them in 13 distinct subcategories, according to the intent of their communication. A basic characteristic of the soap-opera genre is the polyphony, materialized in the speaker's voice off over parts of audio and video of the TV drama. There are still commercial breaks' calls that present great and strong load of intertext between genres. They simulate to be another sort of genre, with the purpose to startle the public. An important characteristic of any type of these commercial breaks' calls is to establish a necessary relation with one "genre-source". Therefore, it only exists to promote another TV program. With that purpose it uses the strategy of contraction time/space, summarizing in 45 seconds or so, the most important aspects of each program.


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How to Cite

de Melo, C. T. V., & de Almeida, G. H. O. (2005). A Chamada de programação de TV, um estudo pelo enfoque das Teorias de Gênero. E-Compós, 2. https://doi.org/10.30962/ec.34



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