Epidemic and memory in the journalistic discourse about dengue fever


  • Luiz Marcelo Ferraz
  • Isaltina Maria de Azevedo Mello Gomes




Dengue. Epidemia. Interdiscurso. Memória Discursiva. Narrativa Jornalística.


This article presents the results of the dissertation Epidemic and memory: journalistic narratives in the discursive construction about dengue fever. Concluded at the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) in 2010, the survey aimed to evaluate the meanings produced by the press of Pernambuco about dengue fever, a disease that has affected more Brazilian people. Taking as its starting point the explosive epidemic of 2002, we have selected 291 texts published by the Jornal do Commercio in 2002, 2004, 2006 and 2008. We seek to identify the role of discursive memory and the presence of interdiscourse as well as deepen the analysis of the journalistic narrative. We have verified that the news is made based on ancient notions as fear, evil, death, risk and epidemic. In addition, the narrative structure and the insertion of the actors who talk about dengue fever are influenced according to the context of illness. Keywords Dengue Fever. Discursive Memory. Epidemic. Interdiscourse. Journalistic Narrative


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How to Cite

Ferraz, L. M., & Gomes, I. M. de A. M. (2012). Epidemic and memory in the journalistic discourse about dengue fever. E-Compós, 15(1). https://doi.org/10.30962/ec.764



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