Equal Marriage celebration and homophobia on the social network: #LoveWins in the senses dispute originated through the Havaianas appropriation


  • Ronaldo Cesar Henn
  • Jonas Pilz
  • Felipe Viero Kolinski Machado




Ciberacontecimento, Disputas de Sentido, Sites de Redes Sociais


The paper analyzes the senses originated in the process through the Brazilian flip-flop´s brand Havaianas appropriates itself of the support manifestations in social network about the decision of the US Supreme Court, which legalized, in 2015, the equal marriage in that country. By updating its profile photo on Facebook using, in the first moment, the rainbow-colored filter and then by arranging flip-flops in the colors of the flag of the LGBT movement, the brand unleashed a conversation where the meanings of about the homophobia theme were built. The Havaianas action fits into the condition of Cyberevent and articulates intricate relationships that pass through gender issues, scattered narratives and permeability of media frontiers. The article also presents the methodological experience called the Sense Construction Analysis in Digital Networks, which deals with micro processes of the network conversation.


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How to Cite

Henn, R. C., Pilz, J., & Kolinski Machado, F. V. (2018). Equal Marriage celebration and homophobia on the social network: #LoveWins in the senses dispute originated through the Havaianas appropriation. E-Compós, 21(1). https://doi.org/10.30962/ec.1400



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