Carnivalization and grotesque in the miniseries Amorteamo
an analysis of productions of meaning
Production of meaning. Grotesque and the carnivalization. Television fiction. Miniseries Amorteamo.Abstract
The article presents an analysis of the verbal-visual discourse of the Brazilian miniseries Amorteamo (Globo TV, 2015) with the objective of studying the meanings produced by audiovisual materiality and its dialogic relations in diegesis. The discussion is based on Bakhtin’s language studies and on Analysis of Moving Images. The analysis shows the grotesque and the carnivalization cosmovision as the articulating axis of the verbal-visual discourse in the images of the opening credits, in the construction of characters and in the scenic sequences. The analysis results suggest not only the hybridization of genders, but also the tensions between hegemonic and popular aesthetic creation regimes.
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