Cinematographic images and imagination
image-action/the larg form via American Beauty film
Deleuze/Peirce. Cinematographic image. Image-action: the larg form. Diagram.Abstract
The taxonomy of cinematographic images proposed by Deleuze in Cinema I The movement-image and Cinema II The time-image and these images’ relation to imagination, as experienced through images, is this paper’s theme. In order to suggest of filmic analysis can focus on cinematographic images, the aim is to make explicit those peircean theories which contribute to understanding the movement-image’s divisions; to explain the divisions of movement-images’ and action-images’ and to emphase on the large form – diagram - by analysis of scenes from the film American Beauty. This paper’s relevance is established by the reflection it encourages on the dialogue established by Deleuze with Peirce’s theories; besides evaluating the potential of cinematographic images’ classification for understanding the relation between these images and thought or on signs in action in the spectator’s thought.
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