the semiosis of #CadêAProva [#WhereIsTheProof]
Transmedia Activism. Semiosis. Elections. Hashtags. Interpretants.Abstract
The hashtag #CadêAProva emerged during Lula's trial in January 2018 and was appropriated by supporters of Jair Bolsonaro's candidacy in the presidential election. Through collection on social networks, we verified this process of resignification, characterized here as transmedia activism because it involves social mobilization in online/offline connections. Given this, we seek to understand what characterizes #CadêAProva's semiosis and how this process reveals unique aspects of transmedia activism in the context of Brazil's presidential election in 2018. As a result, the transmedia resignification of the narrative mediated by #CadêAProva occurred through the hybrid set of signs able to potentiate the symbolic chain of hashtags and thereby promote engagement by adherence (emotional interpretant), mobilization (energetic interpretant) and activism (logical interpretant).
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