celebrity as a mobilizer of cyberevents, consumers-tax and cancelation culture in social networks
Anitta, brazilian elections, cyberevents, consumers-tax, politics and pop cultureAbstract
We investigate the cyberevents that have been configured from the hashtags #EleNão and #AnittalsOverParty. The analysis of the construction of senses in digital networks, as a methodology adopted, helped us to reflect on the protagonism played by those who are here called “consumers-tax”. These episodes were due to political positions taken by the Brazilian pop singer Anitta, evidencing processes of dispute and construction of senses in the context of the digital culture. This category of consumer, articulator of forms of entertainment, consumption practices and political positions/exercises, pointed to a way of acting semiotically through networks in order to supervise and demand a celebrated posture that is closer to their ideas and values, besides the claim of coherence between the symbolic/performative practices of celebrities and their concrete actions.
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