Cosmopoetics of formless disobedience

leitura contra-colonial do regime da extração no catálogo Lumière




Lumière, World cinema, Archive, Colonial violence, Counter-colonial look


Considering the Lumière catalogue as an inaugural experience of world cinema, this article proposes an anarchival reading of some of its images. Distinguishing the operation of the cinematograph as cosmotechnical device for archiving the world and cosmopoetic apparatus for inventing worlds, I explore the forms of inscription of difference in the Lumière archive, through an archaeology of the sensible. I confront the cinema of attractions with a counter-colonial look, making explicit both the regime of extraction that frames difference and the lines of escape in which a surviving cosmopoetic power emerges, in and between images, through traces of gestures of formless disobedience.


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Author Biography

Marcelo R. S. Ribeiro, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador, Bahia, Brasil

PhD in Art and Visual Culture, Faculty of Visual Arts, Federal University of Goiás (2016). Professor of History and Theories of Film and Audiovisual, Department of Communication, Faculty of Communication, Federal University of Bahia.

He coordinates the research group Arqueologia do Sensível [Archeology of the Sensible], developing research on image, history and human rights, among other themes. and is the author and editor of the incinerrante (


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, M. R. S. (2021). Cosmopoetics of formless disobedience: leitura contra-colonial do regime da extração no catálogo Lumière. E-Compós, 24.



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