“Lift up Your Skirt, Here Comes the Tide”
the Body as Epistemology in the Angoleiro Feminism
Angoleiro feminism, Capoeira, Body, Communication, EpistemologyAbstract
The aim of this article is to discuss the angoleiro feminism in the contemporary context of communication of violence and crisis. The movement debates practices and discourses, generating forms of knowledge and epistemologies of the body. The question that instigates us concerns how feminisms cross different territories. In methodological terms, we make a research on the ginga, bringing the story of the African leader Nzinga and her role in the incorporation of the concept in Brazil. Araújo, Barreto, Navarro, Lima, Bracks, Gilroy, and Vidor are some of the names that help composing the framework to discuss the ginga as a body thought capable of provoking reflections on the of angoleiro feminism.
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