Marx on Commodites,Contradictions and Globalisations Resources for a Critique of Marketised Culture


  • Graham Murdock



Mídia, Consumo, Marxismo, Mercadorias, Expansão do capitalismo, Globalização, Contradição


When the Soviet Union collapsed, proponents of the new neo liberal economic order were quick to consign Marx’s ideas to the dustbin of history. This judgement has proved altogether too hasty and recent years have seen a major revaluation of his analysis and its applicability to contemporary conditions. This paper identifies three strands in Marx’s political economy of capitalism that remain central to a critical interrogation of the present situation: his analysis of commodity fetishism, his insistence that capitalist expansion is driven by an unstoppable drive to globalise its organising logics and principles; and his recognition that this impetus generates contradictions that provide the basis for opposition and resistance. Building on these insights this paper sets out to accomplish two tasks. Firstly, to show how successive developments in popular media and consumption have successively consolidated and thickened the commodity culture that underpins the new empire of capitalism. Secondly, to identify the new contradictions set in motion by the system’s increasing dependence on communications networks with global reach.


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How to Cite

Murdock, G. (2006). Marx on Commodites,Contradictions and Globalisations Resources for a Critique of Marketised Culture. E-Compós, 7.



Special Issue