Mediatization, regulations, and disruptions:
hypotheses about the relationship between rumor and news in the case of "the Guarujá Witch"
mediatization, circulation, disruption, uncertainty, rumor, informationAbstract
This article presents a hypothesis about the media case we call the Witch of Guarujá – a socio-media process with emerging specificities with the social uses of digital networks (constituting social-digital networks) which culminated in the lynching and death of an innocent woman. Firstly, we contextualize the theme, the epistemological perspective (the perspective of mediatization, specifically about disruption and regulation in media processes) and the method (abduction as central in the process of inferences). Subsequently, we problematize the media case in its singularity – in the tension between the logic of rumors and the journalistic logic of information, situated in the context of the uses of network media by actors and institutions. In terms of conclusion, we present the hypothesis (the academic case) about the topic addressed, after a set of methodological actions which enabled us to consolidate schemes and grounded diagrams.
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